Remember how much I loved THIS?
And how when I went to BlogHer there was this stack of books as schwag?
Well Comfort Food is by the same author as The Friday Night Knitting Club and just happened to be in that stack.
This time Ms. Jacobs has kept her focus on one main character but given you enough about each of the perimeter characters that she could continue on with them in other books (which I hope she will).
Augusta "Gus" Simpson is a cooking show cook. Think Paula Deen on Food Network. That is how she was pictured in my head the entire time. She has two grown daughters and is facing cancellation of her show. When a partner is thrown in that is younger, prettier and less experienced it makes for some madcap episodes. Throw in a couple of love interests for herself and her daughters and even an odd little mystery twist and you have a great read.
Ms. Jacobs has outdone herself again.