Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Jennifer Cruise

Yea! I'm in. Well the other day I allowed myself to start the last Jennifer Cruise book (romance with wit) that I hadn't read (or should I say devoured). Sometimes I start a book at lunch, put it in my drawer and forget to bring it home--not this one. It was called Bet Me. Utterly light, but entertaining and I finally put it down (when I was finished reading it) at 2 a.m. One day, not a record, but I'm disappointed to be finished reading all the Jennifer Cruises. I hope she's hard at work writting a new one.

I finished Animal Dreams in one sitting also, coming home from Michigan. It wasn't related to Pigs in Heaven or Bean Trees, but very good just the same. Poisonwood Bible is still my favorite Kingsolver.

Dr. Phil is my lunch time reading, because I'm not having any problem putting it down and getting back to work. Of course, there is all the guilt about eating two cookies for dessert while reading a diet book.


paulette said...

Is she, Jennifer Cruise, the one who wrote Sushi for Beginners and Must Love Dogs?

paulette said...

After I posed the question, I decided I was big enough to look up the answer myself and the answer was no. The one I'm thinking of is Marion Keyes. She writes romantic, witty stuff too.

Adrienne said...

Actually this lady's name is Crusie, Jennifer. So if you look her up in Amazon or something you wont get her from Cruise.

KathrynVH said...

I guess I should spell the authors name right on a site for books. Details, details.

paulette said...

I did look her up on amazon with Kathy's spelling and I did get Bet Me and a couple of others. With Amazon I suppose the chance to make money is not going to let spelling get in the way.

KathrynVH said...

Can you please call Sister Edith and let her know I don't have to know how to spell after all.